About Us
- About Sixsenso Technologies S.L
Sixsenso is a young biotechnology company that aims to change how water contamination is monitored worldwide.
Its patented technology enables rapid and on-site microbiological assessment of water samples, including bacteria, phytoplankton and virus in a broad salinity range from fresh water, brackish to sea water.
Sixsenso offers a new water monitoring solution which is rapid and can be applied on-site which is a disruptive alternative to the gold-standard culture which needs a specialist in a laboratory proving results after several days. In essence, we are bringing the lab to the origin of water contamination by rapid and robust tools which allow preventive water analysis and fast decision-making in case of waterborne pathogens outbreaks.
Among the different threats, waterborne pathogens and land-based microbial contaminations mostly affect environment, ecosystem’s biodiversity, human health and safety, and the economy. Early warning tools for identification of invasive species, pathogenic microorganisms or faecal contamination indicators in water are pivotal for disease prevention, mitigation, control, and risk management. Some of the most affected markets and environments from bio-contamination are Environmental Waters, Ballast Waters (BW), Industrial Waters, Aquaculture and Agrifood: They represent important roles of water in our society including social life, commerce, and sustainable food.
For example, by using Sixsenso tools in Ballast Water operations we aim to mitigate the impact of INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES (IAS) which is the Major cause of extinctions of native plants, microalgae and animals, destroy biodiversity and permanently alter habitats Worldwide. They affect Aquaculture areas and cause infection diseases to humans consuming sea-food or just enjoying bathing waters around this areas. The leading cause of disease and death around the world are water-related infectious diseases (WRID). They are responsible for 80% all illness and deaths globally (United Nations) meaning > 3.4 Million people death per year globally. All is linked. We can protect food sources, health people, marine biodiversity and climate by better monitoring and controlling invasive alien species (IAS) in Ballast Water operations, by onsite and rapid assessment of bacteria, virus and phytoplankton by Sixsenso systems.
Such systems are based on the application of light to detect fluorescence emitted both naturally and by induced labelling techniques emitted by microorganisms in combination with automatic enhanced concentration and labelling systems and methods. These novel solutions have been designed to be rapid, extremely accurate, portable, cost-effective, and easily integrable within a process stream for real-time measurements which are the main needs of our customers solving their main pains.
Our main objective is to develop commercially viable solutions to support your specific sensing challenge and promote environmental sustainability in all applications and sectors where water is essential.
- (2021) StartUp Capital – Codi Expedient: ACE035/21/000059 – ACCIO, Generalitat de Catalunya
- (2022) WATERSENSE AEI 2022 call – Nº Expedient AEI-010500-2022b-201 – Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.
- (2022) NEOTEC-2022 – Nº Expedient SNEO-20222222 – CDTI
- (2022) RES2H2 – PERTE H2 2022 – Programa de incentivos 4: Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia– Financiado por la Unión Europea–NextGenerationEU.
- (2022) PORTS 4.0 – 3aCall Pre-Commercial Projects – Nº Expedient P-337 – ”SxS-Ports”: A rapid and portable system for water quality monitoring in ports and harbours. – Facilitator Agent Port de Barcelona.
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